<button class="ion-button"
:class="[modeClass, styleClass, shapeClass, displayClass, sizeClass, decoratorClass, colorClass,
<span class="button-inner"><slot></slot></span>
<style lang="scss" src="./style.scss"></style>
<script type="text/javascript">
* @component Button
* @description
* ## 其他 / Button按钮组件
* 基础的按钮组件, 可以设置大小, 形状等, 包括和Icon组件的组合.
* ### 如何引入
* ```
* // 引入
* import { Button } from 'vimo
* // 安装
* Vue.component(Button.name, Button)
* // 或者
* export default{
* components: {
* Button
* }
* }
* ```
* @props {String} [color='default'] - 颜色
* @props {String} [mode='ios'] - 模式
* @props {Boolean} [small] - 尺寸
* @props {Boolean} [default] - 尺寸
* @props {Boolean} [large] - 尺寸
* @props {Boolean} [active] - 是否激活(按下时的效果)
* @props {Boolean} [round] - round(宽度auto有圆角)
* @props {Boolean} [full] - full(宽度100%无圆角)
* @props {Boolean} [block] - block(宽度100%有圆角)
* @props {Boolean} [menutoggle] - menutoggle类型
* @props {Boolean} [outline] - outline只有边框
* @props {Boolean} [clear] - clear空心
* @props {Boolean} [solid] - solid实心
* @props {Boolean} [role='button'] - role 按钮具体角色 例如 action-sheet-button/bar-button
* @props {Boolean} [strong] - 样式加强
* @demo #/button
* @usage
* <Button full>full</Button>
* <Button outline full color="secondary">outline + full</Button>
* <Button color="dark">
* <Icon class="icon" name="star"></Icon>
* <span>Left Icon</span>
* </Button>
* */
import disableHover from '../../util/disable-hover'
export default {
name: 'Button',
inject: {
itemComponent: {
from: 'itemComponent',
default: null
props: {
* 按钮color:primary、secondary、danger、light、dark
* */
color: {
type: String,
default () {
return 'default'
* mode 按钮风格 ios/window/android/we/alipay
* */
mode: {
type: String,
default () { return this.$config && this.$config.get('mode', 'ios') || 'ios' }
small: Boolean,
'default': Boolean,
large: Boolean,
* 激活模式, 按下时的效果
* */
active: Boolean,
* 形状:round(宽度auto有圆角)
* round/fab
* */
round: Boolean,
* 形状:full(宽度100%无圆角)/block(宽度100%有圆角)/menutoggle
* */
full: Boolean,
block: Boolean,
menutoggle: Boolean,
* 按钮类型: solid实心/outline只有边框/clear空心
* */
outline: Boolean,
clear: Boolean,
solid: Boolean,
* role 按钮具体角色 例如 action-sheet-button/bar-button
* */
role: {
type: String,
default () {
return 'button'
* 样式加强
* */
strong: Boolean
data () {
return {
disableHover: disableHover,
style: 'default', // outline/clear/solid
shape: null, // round/fab
display: null, // block/full
size: null, // large/small/default
decorator: null, // strong
styleClass: null,
shapeClass: null,
displayClass: null,
sizeClass: null,
decoratorClass: null,
colorClass: null,
iconOnly: false,
iconLeft: false,
iconRight: false
computed: {
// 环境样式
modeClass () {
return this.mode ? (`${this.role} ${this.role}-${this.mode}`) : this.role
isInItemComponent () {
return !!this.itemComponent
methods: {
* @private
* @param {Object} $event - $event
$_clickHandler ($event) {
this.$emit('click', $event)
* @private
$_assignCss () {
let role = this.role
if (role) {
this.styleClass = this.$_setClass(this.style) // button-clear
this.shapeClass = this.$_setClass(this.shape) // button-round
this.displayClass = this.$_setClass(this.display) // button-full
this.sizeClass = this.$_setClass(this.size) // button-small
this.decoratorClass = this.$_setClass(this.decorator) // button-strong
this.colorClass = this.$_setColor(this.color) // button-secondary, bar-button-secondary
* @param {String} type
* @private
$_setClass (type) {
if (type) {
type = type.toLocaleLowerCase()
return `${this.role}-${type} ${this.role}-${type}-${this.mode}`
* @param {String} color
* @private
$_setColor (color) {
if (color) {
// The class should begin with the button role
// button, bar-button
let className = this.role
// If the role is not a bar-button, don't apply the solid style
let style = this.style
style = (this.role !== 'bar-button' && style === 'solid' ? 'default' : style)
className += (style !== null && style !== '' && style !== 'default' ? '-' + style.toLowerCase() : '')
if (color !== null && color !== '') {
return `${className}-${this.mode}-${color}`
return ''
* 设置icon button的左右位置
* @private
$_addIconBtnPosition () {
let firstSlot = null
let lastSlot = null
let length = this.$_getSlotLength(this.$slots)
if (length > 0) {
firstSlot = this.$slots.default[0]
lastSlot = this.$slots.default[length - 1]
if (length === 1 && this.$_isIconComponent(firstSlot)) {
this.iconOnly = 'icon-only'
if (length > 1) {
if (this.$_isIconComponent(firstSlot)) {
this.iconLeft = 'icon-left'
if (this.$_isIconComponent(lastSlot)) {
this.iconRight = 'icon-right'
* 判断slot是icon组件
* @private
* */
$_isIconComponent (slot) {
return !!slot.componentOptions && !!slot.componentOptions.tag && slot.componentOptions.tag.toLowerCase() === 'icon'
* 获取slot的数量
* @private
* */
$_getSlotLength (slots) {
return (slots && slots.default) ? slots.default.length : 0
* @private
* */
$_classify () {
if (this.small) this.size = 'small'
if (this.default) this.size = 'default'
if (this.large) this.size = 'large'
if (this.outline) this.style = 'outline'
if (this.clear) this.style = 'clear'
if (this.solid) this.style = 'solid'
if (this.round) this.shape = 'round'
if (this.full) this.display = 'full'
if (this.block) this.display = 'block'
if (this.menutoggle) this.display = 'menutoggle'
if (this.strong) this.decorator = 'strong'
created () {