
轮播组件 / 精简版Slides组件

参考的项目源自swipe-js-iso, 详情转向下方链接, 此外 为了保证和Slide组件接口的一致性, 将同操作和同属性的接口改成和Slides一致的名称


当前属性 / Props 原始名称 / Original 类型 / type 默认值 / Default 描述 / Description
initialSlide startSlide Number 0 index position Swipe should start at
speed speed Number 300 speed of prev and next transitions in milliseconds.
autoplay auto Number - begin with auto slideshow (time in milliseconds between slides)
loop continuous Boolean true create an infinite feel with no endpoints
- disableScroll Boolean false stop any touches on this container from scrolling the page(点击拖动轮播是否能滚动页面,pc上可以,移动端不起作用)
touchMoveStopPropagation stopPropagation Boolean false stop event propagation
pagination - String '' 只能是'.swiper-pagination'
当前事件 / Event 原始名称 / Original 类型 / type 默认值 / Default 描述 / Description
onProgress(swiper, progress) swiping(progress) Function noop invoked while swiping with the percentage (0-1) of the full width that has been swiped.
onSlideChangeEnd(swiper) callback(index, elem) Function noop runs at slide change(改变即触发).
onTransitionEnd(swiper) transitionEnd(index, elem) Function noop sruns at the end slide transition(改变并且动画完毕后触发, 实际比callback晚点).
实例方法 / Methods 原始名称 / Original 描述 / Description
slidePrev(runCallbacks, speed) prev() slide to prev
slideNext(runCallbacks, speed) next() slide to next
mySwiper.activeIndex getPos() returns current slide index position(返回当前的index)
mySwiper.slides.length getNumSlides() returns the total amount of slides(返回轮播子页面的个数)
slideTo(index, duration, runCallbacks) slide(index, duration) slide to set index position (duration: speed of transition in milliseconds)
stopAutoplay() stop() 停止自动滚动
destroy() kill() 移除销毁