<div class="ion-datetime" @click="clickHandler($event)"
<div v-if="!text" class="datetime-text datetime-placeholder">{{placeholder}}</div>
<div v-if="text" class="datetime-text">{{text}}</div>
<vm-button type="button"
<style lang="scss" src="./style.scss"></style>
<script type="text/javascript">
* @component Datetime
* @description
* ## 时间组件 / Datetime时间选择组件
* ### 简介
* Datetime组件是对Picker组件的再封装, 这个和Select组件对Alert组件的封装类似. Datetime组件用于替代原生input[type="datetime"]的解决方案, 且功能比原生更丰富. 支持单列~多列时间的选择/固定时间范围/固定时间的选择间隔等.
* ### 感谢Ionic
* 该组件是对Ionic的Datetime组件的转义, 具体使用和Ionic的datetime完全一致. API参考下方链接.
* ### 改进部分
* Ionic原组件值对符合ISO格式的日期能正确显示使用, 这里做了改进:
* 通过v-model可以传入如下类型: **Date日期对象/ISO格式的时间String/能转化为Date对象**的字符串 这三类. 但是v-model返回的数据都是ISO格式日期String, 如果期望返回每个column返回的详细结果, 请监听onChange事件.
* ### 如何引入
* ```
* // 引入
* import { Datetime } from 'vimo'
* // 安装
* Vue.component(Datetime.name, Datetime)
* // 或者
* export default{
* components: {
* Datetime
* }
* }
* ```
* @usage
* <Item>
* <Label>MMMM</Label>
* <Datetime slot="item-right" displayFormat="MMMM" v-model="monthOnly"></Datetime>
* </Item>
* @props {String} [min] - ISO 8601 datetime 的时间格式, 1996-12-19
* @props {String} [max] - ISO 8601 datetime 的时间格式, 1996-12-19
* @props {String} displayFormat - 外部 显示的格式
* @props {String} [pickerFormat] - picker 显示的格式
* @props {String} [placeholder] - placeholder
* @props {String|Object|Date} value - value
* @props {String} [cancelText='取消'] - 取消的显示文本
* @props {String} [doneText='确认'] - 确定的显示文本
* @props {String|Array} [yearValues] - 显示可以选择的 年 信息, 例如: "2024,2020,2016,2012,2008"
* @props {String|Array} [monthValues] - 显示可以选择的 月 信息, 例如: "6,7,8"
* @props {String|Array} [dayValues] - 显示可以选择的 月 信息, 例如: "6,7,8"
* @props {String|Array} [hourValues] - 显示可以选择的 小时 信息,
* @props {String|Array} [minuteValues] - 显示可以选择的 分钟 信息,
* @props {String|Array} [monthNames] - 每个月 的名字
* @props {String|Array} [monthShortNames] - 每个月 的短名字
* @props {String|Array} [dayNames] - 每天 的显示名字
* @props {String|Array} [dayShortNames] - 每天 的短名字
* @props {Object} [pickerOptions] - pickerOptions
* @props {String} [mode='ios'] - mode
* @see http://ionicframework.com/docs/demos/src/datetime/www/?production=true&ionicplatform=ios
* @see http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/components/datetime/DateTime/
* @demo #/time-picker
* @fires component:Datetime#onCancel
* @fires component:Datetime#onChange
* */
import { setElementClass } from '../../util/util'
import { isBlank, isPresent, isTrueProperty } from '../../util/type'
import Picker from '../picker'
import Button from '../button'
import {
} from './datetime-util'
export default {
name: 'Datetime',
inject: {
itemComponent: {
from: 'itemComponent',
default: null
data () {
return {
theDisabled: this.disabled,
text: '',
theMin: this.min,
theMax: this.max,
theValue: {},
locale: {}
props: {
min: String, // ISO 8601 datetime 的时间格式, 1996-12-19
max: String, // ISO 8601 datetime 的时间格式, 1996-12-19
displayFormat: String, // 外部 显示的格式
pickerFormat: String, // picker 显示的格式
placeholder: String,
value: [String, Object, Date],
cancelText: { // 取消的显示文本
type: String,
default: '取消'
doneText: { // 确定的显示文本
type: String,
default: '确认'
yearValues: [String, Array], // 显示可以选择的 年 信息, 例如: "2024,2020,2016,2012,2008"
monthValues: [String, Array], // 显示可以选择的 月 信息, 例如: "6,7,8"
dayValues: [String, Array], // 显示可以选择的 日 信息, 例如: "6,7,8"
hourValues: [String, Array], // 显示可以选择的 小时 信息,
minuteValues: [String, Array], // 显示可以选择的 分钟 信息,
monthNames: [String, Array], // 每个月 的名字
monthShortNames: [String, Array], // 每个月 的短名字
dayNames: [String, Array], // 每天 的显示名字
dayShortNames: [String, Array], // 每天 的显示名字
pickerOptions: {
type: Object,
default () { return {} }
mode: {
type: String,
default () { return this.$config && this.$config.get('mode') || 'ios' }
watch: {
disabled (val) {
this.theDisabled = isTrueProperty(val)
this.itemComponent && setElementClass(this.itemComponent.$el, 'item-datetime-disabled', this.theDisabled)
value (val) {
this.theValue = parseDate(val)
methods: {
clickHandler ($event) {
if ($event.detail === 0) {
// do not continue if the click event came from a form submit
open () {
if (this.theDisabled) {
// the user may have assigned some options specifically for the alert
const pickerOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.pickerOptions))
pickerOptions.buttons = [
text: this.cancelText,
role: 'cancel',
handler: () => {
* @event component:Datetime#onCancel
* @description 点击取消按钮触发
this.$emit('onCancel', null)
text: this.doneText,
handler: (data) => {
console.debug('datetime, done', data)
let value = convertDataToISO(this.theValue)
* @event component:Datetime#onChange
* @description 点击确定按钮
this.$emit('input', value)
this.$emit('onChange', data)
pickerOptions.columns = []
pickerOptions.onChange = () => {
pickerOptions.onDismiss = () => {}
pickerOptions.isH5 = true // 强制使用h5模式
* @private
generate (pickerOptions) {
// if a picker format wasn't provided, then fallback
// to use the display format
let template = this.pickerFormat || this.displayFormat || DEFAULT_FORMAT
if (isPresent(template)) {
// make sure we've got up to date sizing information
// does not support selecting by day name
// automaticallly remove any day name formats
template = template.replace('DDDD', '{~}').replace('DDD', '{~}')
if (template.indexOf('D') === -1) {
// there is not a day in the template
// replace the day name with a numeric one if it exists
template = template.replace('{~}', 'D')
// make sure no day name replacer is left in the string
template = template.replace(/{~}/g, '')
// parse apart the given template into an array of "formats"
parseTemplate(template).forEach(format => {
// loop through each format in the template
// create a new picker column to build up with data
let key = convertFormatToKey(format)
let values
// first see if they have exact values to use for this input
if (isPresent((this)[key + 'Values'])) {
// user provide exact values for this date part
values = convertToArrayOfNumbers((this)[key + 'Values'], key)
} else {
// use the default date part values
values = dateValueRange(format, this.theMin, this.theMax)
let column = {
name: key,
selectedIndex: 0,
options: values.map(val => {
return {
value: val,
text: renderTextFormat(format, val, null, this.locale)
if (column.options.length) {
// cool, we've loaded up the columns with options
// preselect the option for this column
var selected
if (this.theValue) {
selected = column.options.find(opt => opt.value === getValueFromFormat(this.theValue, format))
if (selected) {
// set the select index for this column's options
column.selectedIndex = column.options.indexOf(selected)
// add our newly created column to the picker
* @private
validate (pickerOptions) {
let i
let today = new Date()
let columns = pickerOptions.columns
// find the columns used
let yearCol = columns.find(col => col.name === 'year')
let monthCol = columns.find(col => col.name === 'month')
let dayCol = columns.find(col => col.name === 'day')
let yearOpt
let monthOpt
let dayOpt
// default to the current year
let selectedYear = today.getFullYear()
if (yearCol) {
// default to the first value if the current year doesn't exist in the options
if (!yearCol.options.find(col => col.value === today.getFullYear())) {
selectedYear = yearCol.options[0].value
yearOpt = yearCol.options[yearCol.selectedIndex]
if (yearOpt) {
// they have a selected year value
selectedYear = yearOpt.value
// default to assuming this month has 31 days
let numDaysInMonth = 31
let selectedMonth
if (monthCol) {
monthOpt = monthCol.options[monthCol.selectedIndex]
if (monthOpt) {
// they have a selected month value
selectedMonth = monthOpt.value
// calculate how many days are in this month
numDaysInMonth = daysInMonth(selectedMonth, selectedYear)
// create sort values for the min/max datetimes
let minCompareVal = dateDataSortValue(this.theMin)
let maxCompareVal = dateDataSortValue(this.theMax)
if (monthCol) {
// enable/disable which months are valid
// to show within the min/max date range
for (i = 0; i < monthCol.options.length; i++) {
monthOpt = monthCol.options[i]
// loop through each month and see if it
// is within the min/max date range
monthOpt.disabled = (dateSortValue(selectedYear, monthOpt.value, 31) < minCompareVal ||
dateSortValue(selectedYear, monthOpt.value, 1) > maxCompareVal)
if (dayCol) {
if (isPresent(selectedMonth)) {
// enable/disable which days are valid
// to show within the min/max date range
for (i = 0; i < dayCol.options.length; i++) {
dayOpt = dayCol.options[i]
// loop through each day and see if it
// is within the min/max date range
var compareVal = dateSortValue(selectedYear, selectedMonth, dayOpt.value)
dayOpt.disabled = (compareVal < minCompareVal ||
compareVal > maxCompareVal ||
numDaysInMonth <= i)
} else {
// enable/disable which numbers of days to show in this month
for (i = 0; i < dayCol.options.length; i++) {
dayCol.options[i].disabled = (numDaysInMonth <= i)
* 制作picker的columns
* @private
divyColumns (pickerOptions) {
let pickerColumns = pickerOptions.columns
let columns = []
pickerColumns.forEach((col, i) => {
col.options.forEach(opt => {
if (opt.text.length > columns[i]) {
columns[i] = opt.text.length
if (columns.length === 2) {
let width = Math.max(columns[0], columns[1])
pickerColumns[0].align = 'right'
pickerColumns[1].align = 'left'
pickerColumns[0].optionsWidth = pickerColumns[1].optionsWidth = `${width * 17}px`
} else if (columns.length === 3) {
let width = Math.max(columns[0], columns[2])
pickerColumns[0].align = 'right'
pickerColumns[1].columnWidth = `${columns[1] * 17}px`
pickerColumns[0].optionsWidth = pickerColumns[2].optionsWidth = `${width * 17}px`
pickerColumns[2].align = 'left'
* @private
setValue (newData) {
this.theValue = updateDate(this.theValue, newData)
* @private
checkHasValue (inputValue) {
if (this.itemComponent) {
setElementClass(this.itemComponent.$el, 'input-has-value', !!(inputValue && inputValue !== ''))
* @private
updateText () {
// create the text of the formatted data
const template = this.displayFormat || this.pickerFormat || DEFAULT_FORMAT
this.text = renderDateTime(template, this.theValue, this.locale)
* @private
onChange (val) {
console.debug('datetime, onChange w/out formControlName', val)
* @private
calcMinMax (now) {
this.theMin = this.min
this.theMax = this.max
const todaysYear = (now || new Date()).getFullYear()
if (isBlank(this.theMin)) {
if (isPresent(this.yearValues)) {
this.theMin = Math.min.apply(Math, convertToArrayOfNumbers(this.yearValues, 'year'))
} else {
this.theMin = (todaysYear - 100).toString()
if (isBlank(this.theMax)) {
if (isPresent(this.yearValues)) {
this.theMax = Math.max.apply(Math, convertToArrayOfNumbers(this.yearValues, 'year'))
} else {
this.theMax = todaysYear.toString()
const min = this.theMin = parseDate(this.theMin)
const max = this.theMax = parseDate(this.theMax)
if (min.year > max.year) {
min.year = max.year - 100
} else if (min.year === max.year) {
if (min.month > max.month) {
min.month = 1
} else if (min.month === max.month && min.day > max.day) {
min.day = 1
min.month = min.month || 1
min.day = min.day || 1
min.hour = min.hour || 0
min.minute = min.minute || 0
min.second = min.second || 0
max.month = max.month || 12
max.day = max.day || 31
max.hour = max.hour || 23
max.minute = max.minute || 59
max.second = max.second || 59
created () {
this.theValue = parseDate(this.value)
mounted () {
if (this.itemComponent) {
setElementClass(this.itemComponent.$el, 'item-datetime', true)
// first see if locale names were provided in the inputs
// then check to see if they're in the config
// if neither were provided then it will use default English names
const NAMES = ['monthNames', 'monthShortNames', 'dayNames', 'dayShortNames']
NAMES.forEach(type => {
(this).locale[type] = convertToArrayOfStrings(isPresent((this)[type]) ? (this)[type] : this.$config && this.$config.get(type), type)
// update how the datetime value is displayed as formatted text
components: {'vm-button': Button}